We all know that non-wrestling media (blogs or “mainstream”) typically get anything related to wrestling wrong. So it should be no surprise that when a kid in Australia was suspended for putting some kind of move on a bully, they got it wrong again. One site referred to the move as a “body slam” (which it wasn’t), and another referred to as a “jackknife powerbomb” (which it wasn’t either, although this was closer). See the video here.
Am I asking too much? Probably, although someone who actually knows that there is such a thing as a jackknife powerbomb should know what it looks like.
So here’s our chance to set the record straight. Since the maneuver seemed kind of random (like what a 3 year old would do with a cat), it might be hard to match this up with an actual pro wrestling move. Still, it seems like I’ve seen something similar before.
Got any ideas? You might want to consult Wikipedia, or The Big, Big, Book of Wrestling Moves, or this other site. If you come up with anything, leave it in the comments.
And remember kids, don’t try this kind of stuff at home… or at school. Leave it to the professionals like Casey.
Photo: JT Draws
Looks like a front suplex to me. Am I right? By the way, both students should have been suspended. They were both engaged in physical acts of violence.
Mmm… not sure what you mean by a “front” suplex. Besides, every suplex I can think of (except maybe any suplex with the name “release” in it) has the “giver” going down to the mat with the other guy.
The fat kid drops the skinny kid on his face, would not that make it a faceplant?
Inverted belly to back faceplant (modified).
Back when I did field reports I just made up names. Barb told me to call any kind of a roll-up pin a “Mexican suitcase.” Still hoping that one catches on.
I like using “inverted” or “modified” (or “reverse”).
Or maybe add the word “lazy” to it. I remember a few times when The Hater gave guys a delayed vertical suplex and then just dropped them because he didn’t feel like taking a bump.
I tried thinking of what the WWE would call it if this kid was on the payroll, but I couldn’t come up with anything. Maybe a “Bully Buster”?
If the kid would have folded up a little more, I could have gone with the “Mexican suitcase”. 😉