Circling the Bowl?
Let me start out by saying that I no longer follow the “insider” wrestling news in great detail on sites like (is this still THE site- not even sure anymore). I don’t keep track of when...
Read MorePosted by Darin Davis | Jan 26, 2008 | Best Of, Wrestling |
Let me start out by saying that I no longer follow the “insider” wrestling news in great detail on sites like (is this still THE site- not even sure anymore). I don’t keep track of when...
Read MorePosted by Darin Davis | Jan 8, 2008 | Best Of, Wrestling |
This is the second part of a previous post about a road trip I took to a casino show with Jim Brunzell. We were driving on the way to the casino, and it came up in conversation that I’m a referee on the card. Jim asks me...
Read MorePosted by Darin Davis | Jan 2, 2008 | Random observation |
I stopped shaving during the holidays this year. Shaved up until Christmas, then let the whiskers sprout. Yesterday I was prepared to shave it back to the goatee (technically I think it’s a “manchu”- a goatee...
Read MorePosted by Darin Davis | Dec 27, 2007 | Best Of, Wrestling |
With all of the coverage of the baseball “scandal” in the news recently, it made me think of a story from a few years ago that I thought I would share. I believe it was around the summer of 1999. I was added to a...
Read MorePosted by Darin Davis | Nov 4, 2007 | Site news |
I’m relaunching as a new blog (this one). It will probably be a good month or so before I’ve got most of what I want over here, so be patient. Not sure how long I will keep the old site going, but at...
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